Trained as a ceramic designer at Kunsthåndværkerskolen (School of Arts and Crafts), Kolding, 1981–1985.
Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Copenhagen, 1985–1989.
Attached to Bing & Grøndahl (now: Royal Copenhagen A/S), 1985.
Cofounder of Demonstrationslokale for Kunst (Showroom for Art) (with Signe Guttormsen and Erik Steffensen), 1989–1994.
Established own studio (with Bente Skjøttgaard), 1995.
Tutor at the Danish Design School, Department of Product Design, Copenhagen, 1992–1999.
Member of the executive committees for Crafts Council and the Academy Council’s Committee for Public Art and a member of the Board of Representatives for Design School Kolding, 1998–2002.
Monograph on Ole Jensen, authored by Erik Steffensen, published by Aschehoug, 2002.
Chairman of the Danish Arts Foundation’s Committee for Crafts and Design, 2002–2004.
Cocurator (with Lars Dybdahl) of the Biennale for Crafts & Design at Trapholt – Museum of Modern Art and Design and at Koldinghus, Kolding, 2007.
Member of the committee for crafts and design at the Danish Art Workshops, 2007–2009.
Board member for the private foundation Inga og Ejvind Kold Christensens Fond, 2010–2015.
Board member for Danish Crafts, 2011–2013.
Visiting professor at Alfred University, Alfred, New York, USA, autumn 2013.
Board member for Danmarks Nationalbank’s Anniversary Foundation of 1968, 2014–2018.
Cofounder of the exhibition venue Peach Corner – a forum for Danish and international ceramics, Frederiksberg, 2021.
Member of Kunstnersamfundet (Danish Artist Society).
Member of Danish Crafts & Design Association.
1985 Fem i Form (Five in Shape), Skive Museum of Art, Skive.
1987 Bing & Grøndahl/Royal Copenhagen (with Birthe Spanggaard), Amagertorv, Copenhagen.
1988 Underværker (Wonders) (with Erik Steffensen), Baghuset Galleri, Copenhagen.
1990 Design – Håndværk eller Industri (Design – Craft or Industry), Den Frie Centre of Contemporary
Art, Copenhagen.
1990 Danske Typer (Danish Types), Demonstrationslokale for Kunst, Copenhagen.
1990 Luxury Culture, Sophienholm, Kongens Lyngby.
1991 Never Compromise on Quality (with Bente Skjøttgaard, Tora Urup and Signe Højmark),
Spøttrup Castle Museum, Skive.
1991 Lang Lørdag (Long Saturday), Den Frie Centre of Contemporary Art, Copenhagen.
1993 Praktisk Avantgarde (Practical Avant-Garde), Herning Museum of Contemporary Art, Herning.
1994 Hverdagens Rum og Ritualer (Everyday Spaces and Rituals), Den Frie Centre of Contemporary
Art, Copenhagen.
1994 Den Keramiske Kande (The Ceramic Jug) (cocurator with Peder Rasmussen), Marienlyst Palace,
1994 Den Danske Keramiktriennale (Danish Ceramics Triennial), Trapholt – Museum of Modern Art
and Design, Kolding.
1995 En badeværelseshistorie (A Bathroom Story), Galleri Nørby, Copenhagen.
1995 Byggeri for Milliarder (Building for Billions), Kunsten Museum of Modern Art, Aalborg.
1996 Living Design in Denmark, Madrid and Barcelona, Spain.
1996 Art Industry, Royal Copenhagen, Sophienholm, Kongens Lyngby.
1996 Ceramic fragrance vessels for Morten Skriver and Christians Skeel’s scent installation
Babylon at Nikolaj Udstillingsbygning, Copenhagen, and Esbjerg Kunstmuseum, Esbjerg
(with Inger Louise Bach, Tora Urup and Ursula Munch-Petersen.
1996 Duplika, Udstillingsfonden for Dansk Kunsthåndværk og Industridesign, Gammel Dok,
1998 Køkkenting (Kitchenware) (with Inger Louise Bach, Tora Urup and Ursula Munch-Petersen),
Royal Copenhagen, Copenhagen.
1998 Design-Dialogue, Tallin, Estonia; Riga, Latvia; Klaipéda, Lithuania.
1999 Dansk Design (Danish Design), Ghent, Belgium; Arlon, Luxemburg; Warsaw and Poznan, Poland.
2000 Keramik uden fortilfælde (Unprecedented Ceramics), Udstillingssted for Ny Keramik,
2000 Royal Copenhagen Porcelain 1775–2000: 225 Years of Design, Danish Museum of Art & Design,
2000 Udfordringer (Challenges), Royal Copenhagen, Amagertorv, Copenhagen.
2000 Lertøj (Earthenware) (solo), Udstillingssted for Ny Keramik, Copenhagen.
2001 Udfordringer (Challenges), Trapholt – Museum of Modern Art and Design, Kolding.
2001 Dansk Form, Design vom Nachbarn (Danish Form: Design from the Neighbour), Museum für
Kunst und Gewerbe and stilwerk, Hamburg, Germany.
2001 Mellem Rum (In-Between Spaces), Galleri Nørby, Copenhagen.
2003 Brugskunst (Decorative Art) (solo), Galleri Nørby, Copenhagen.
2003 Use-it – design for everyday life, Tokyo, Japan, and Hong Kong.
2004 Danish Design Project, MoMA (Museum of Modern Art), New York, New York, USA.
2004 Conversation Pieces, Galleri Nørby, Copenhagen.
2005 Framing the Future, Danish Design Center, Copenhagen.
2006 European Ceramic Context 2006, Bornholm, Danmark.
2006 Fitsu Grand Prix, Los Angeles, California, USA.
2006 Retrospective exhibition (solo) on the occasion of receiving the Torsten and Wanja Söderberg
Prize, Röhsska Museum, Gothenburg, Sweden.
2007 The Cabinetmakers’ Autumn Exhibition 2007, Fabrikken for Kunst og Design, Copenhagen,
and later at Art Centre Silkeborg Bad, Silkeborg.
2007 Func Art, Køppe Gallery, Copenhagen.
2008 Mindcraft08, Danish Crafts, Milan, Italy.
2009 European Design Since 1985: Shaping the New Century, Indianapolis Museum of Art, Indiana,
2009 Mindcraft09, Danish Crafts, Milan, Italy.
2009 It’s a Small World, Danish Design Center, Copenhagen.
2010 Kunst langs Hærvejen (Art Along the Ox Road), Danish Arts Foundation, Hærvejen, Jylland.
2010 TableSpace, Fosdick-Nelson Gallery, Alfred University, Alfred, New York, USA.
2010 På Tværs (Across), Carlsberg Ny Tap, Copenhagen.
2012 Form og Fantasi (Form and Fantasy) (with Louise Birch), Ann Linnemann Galleri, Copenhagen.
2012 Exhibition (solo) at Danmarks Nationalbank on the occasion of receiving the Honorary Grant
from Danmarks Nationalbank’s Anniversary Foundation of 1968, Copenhagen.
2012 Nordic Design Today, Vandalorum, Värnamo, Sweden.
2012 Fra Sans til Samling (From Sense to Collection), Erik Veistrup’s collection at Grimmerhus,
2013 The Opening (with Claydies), Copenhagen Ceramics Gallery, Copenhagen.
2015 Mindcraft15 – in between mind and craft, Danish Arts Foundation, Milan, Italy.
2016 Danish Design Now, Designmuseum Danmark, Copenhagen.
2016 Mindcraft16 – in My Mind Craft, Danish Arts Foundation, Milan, Italy.
2016 Fumi Gallery, Sardinia, Italy/London, United Kingdom.
2017 Everyday Life: Signs of Awareness, 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa,
2017 Vore Designere (Our Designers), Gimsinghoved Kunst- og Kulturcenter, Struer.
2017 World Cup, Ann Linnemann Galleri, Copenhagen.
2018 Sunshine (solo), Køppe Contemporary Objects, Frederiksberg.
2018 Legendary: Niels Lauesen, Ann Linnemann Galleri, Copenhagen.
2019 Biennale for Crafts & Design, Nordatlantens Brygge, Copenhagen.
2019 Ceramic Momentum: Staging the Object, CLAY Museum of Ceramic Art Denmark, Middelfart.
2019 Ole Jensen + Rasmus Röhling, Stereo Exchange, Frederiksberg.
2020 Manual Design with Design Manual (solo), Ann Linnemann Galleri, Copenhagen.
2021 News Value (curator), Peach Corner, Frederiksberg.
2022 Fruchtwerk (Fruits), Gallerie Handwerk, Munich, Germany.
2024 Simple Clayware (solo), Peach Corner, Frederiksberg.
Grants and awards
1988 Hofjuveler Michelsens Jubilæumslegat (Court Jeweller Michelsen’s Anniversary Grant).
1995 First prize in the Danish Arts Foundation’s competition ‘Keramik til dagligbrug’ (Ceramics for
Everyday Use) (with Inger Louise Bach and Henrik Lund Larsen).
1997 Design prize from the Design Fund of the Danish Ministry of Culture.
1997 Sølvsmed Kay Bojesens Mindelegat (Silversmith Kay Bojesen’s Memorial Grant).
1998 The Danish Arts Foundation’s three-year working stipend.
2004 Thorvald Bindesbøll Medal, Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts.
2006 Torsten and Wanja Söderberg Prize, Sweden.
2009 The Danish Arts Foundation’s life-long honorary grant.
2012 Honorary grant from Danmarks Nationalbank’s Anniversary Foundation of 1968.
2021 Knud W. Engelhardts Mindelegat (Knud W. Engelhardt’s Memorial Grant).
Designmuseum Danmark, Copenhagen
New Carlsberg Foundation
Danish Arts Foundation
Trapholt – Museum of Modern Art and Design, Kolding
CLAY Museum of Ceramic Art Denmark, Middelfart
Victoria and Albert Museum, London, United Kingdom
Museum für Angewandte Kunst, Cologne, Germany
Röhsska Museum, Gothenburg, Sweden
Indianapolis Museum of Art, Indiana, USA
Habitare Collection, Design Museum, Helsinki, Finland
Grassi Museum, Leipzig, Germany
Design collaborations
Royal Copenhagen
Louis Poulsen
Normann Copenhagen
Room Copenhagen
Innometsä, Korea
A. Petersen Collection & Craft
Stelton A/S |